ERE is focused on increasing renewable energy choice for companies at the state level by working on three key enabling policy options, outlined below.
Third-Party Purchasing Options
Enable companies to procure renewable energy through third-party (i.e., non-utility) developers and other organizations.
Onsite or Direct
Deployment Options
Mean that companies can deploy renewable energy on site, such as rooftop solar panels, or through other direct purchasing options.
Utility Purchasing
Allow companies to contract for renewable energy directly through their local utility.
Based on these priorities, ERE worked with RILA to develop a series of reports ranking states on the three policy options.
ERE Priority States
ERE is currently active in states with regulatory or legislative barriers that prevent the market from realizing its full potential for renewable energy procurement. Many of those states are highly regulated states.
For example, In South Carolina, ERE worked with like-minded organizations, policymakers and regulators who understood that an energy market with access to renewables helps attract businesses and jobs. As a result, the Energy Freedom Act passed unanimously and businesses large and small now have more access to a stronger renewable energy market.
ERE is currently active in Arizona, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin.